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evolveddiskdf.oortC(R, t=0.0, nsigma=None, deg=False, phi=0.0, epsrel=0.01, epsabs=1e-05, grid=None, gridpoints=101, returnGrids=False, derivRGrid=None, derivphiGrid=None, derivGridpoints=101, derivHierarchgrid=False, hierarchgrid=False, nlevels=2, integrate_method='dopr54_c')




calculate the Oort function C at (R,phi,t)


R - radius at which to calculate C (/ro)

phi= azimuth (rad unless deg=True)

t= time at which to evaluate the DF (can be a list or ndarray; if this is the case, list needs to be in descending order and equally spaced)

nsigma - number of sigma to integrate the velocities over (based on an estimate, so be generous)

deg= azimuth is in degree (default=False)

epsrel, epsabs - scipy.integrate keywords

grid= if set to True, build a grid and use that to evaluate integrals; if set to a grid-objects (such as returned by this procedure), use this grid

derivRGrid, derivphiGrid= if set to True, build a grid and use that to evaluate integrals of the derivatives of the DF; if set to a grid-objects (such as returned by this procedure), use this grid

gridpoints= number of points to use for the grid in 1D (default=101)

derivGridpoints= number of points to use for the grid in 1D (default=101)

returnGrid= if True, return the grid objects (default=False)

hierarchgrid= if True, use a hierarchical grid (default=False)

derivHierarchgrid= if True, use a hierarchical grid (default=False)

nlevels= number of hierarchical levels for the hierarchical grid

integrate_method= orbit.integrate method argument


Oort C at R,phi,t


2011-10-16 - Written - Bovy (NYU)