Installation ============== galpy can be installed using pip as:: > pip install galpy or to upgrade without upgrading the dependencies:: > pip install -U --no-deps galpy Some advanced features require the GNU Scientific Library (GSL; see below). If you want to use these, install the GSL first (or install it later and re-install using the upgrade command above). The latest updates in galpy can be installed using:: > pip install -U --no-deps git+git:// or:: > pip install -U --no-deps --install-option="--prefix=~/local" git+git:// for a local installation. The latest updates can also be installed from the source code downloaded from github using the standard python ```` installation:: > python install or:: > python install --prefix=~/local for a local installation. A basic installation works with just the numpy/scipy/matplotlib stack. Some basic tests can be performed by executing:: > nosetests -v -w nose/ **NEW in v1.2**: Installing the TorusMapper code ------------------------------------------------- Since v1.2, ``galpy`` contains a basic interface to the TorusMapper code of `Binney & McMillan (2016) `__. This interface uses a stripped-down version of the TorusMapper code, that is not bundled with the galpy code, but kept in a fork of the original TorusMapper code. Installation of the TorusMapper interface is therefore only possible when installing from source after downloading or cloning the galpy code and using the ``python install`` method above. To install the TorusMapper code, *before* running the installation of galpy, navigate to the top-level galpy directory (which contains the ```` file) and do:: git clone galpy/actionAngle_src/actionAngleTorus_c_ext/torus cd galpy/actionAngle_src/actionAngleTorus_c_ext/torus git checkout galpy cd - Then proceed to install galpy using the ``python install`` technique or its variants as usual. Installation FAQ ----------------- What is the required ``numpy`` version? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ``galpy`` should mostly work for any relatively recent version of ``numpy``, but some advanced features, including calculating the normalization of certain distribution functions using Gauss-Legendre integration require ``numpy`` version 1.7.0 or higher. How do I install the GSL? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Certain advanced features require the GNU Scientific Library (`GSL `_), with action calculations requiring version 1.14 or higher. On a Mac, the easiest way to install the GSL is using `Homebrew `_ as:: > brew install gsl --universal You should be able to check your version using:: > gsl-config --version On Linux distributions with ``apt-get``, the GSL can be installed using:: apt-get install libgsl0-dev The ``galpy`` installation fails because of C compilation errors +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ``galpy``'s installation can fail due to compilation errors, which look like:: error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1 or:: error: command 'clang' failed with exit status 1 or:: error: command 'cc' failed with exit status 1 This is typically because the compiler cannot locate the GSL header files or the GSL library. You can tell the installation about where you've installed the GSL library by defining (for example, when the GSL was installed under ``/usr``):: export CFLAGS=-I/usr/include export LDFLAGS=-L/usr/lib or:: setenv CFLAGS -I/usr/include setenv LDFLAGS -L/usr/lib depending on your shell type (change the actual path to the include and lib directories that have the gsl directory). If you already have ``CFLAGS`` and ``LDFLAGS`` defined you just have to add the ``'-I/usr/include'`` and ``'-L/usr/lib'`` to them. I'm having issues with OpenMP +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ galpy uses `OpenMP `_ to parallelize various of the computations done in C. galpy can be installed without OpenMP by specifying the option ``--no-openmp`` when running the ``python`` commands above:: python install --no-openmp or when using pip as follows:: > pip install -U --no-deps --install-option="--no-openmp" git+git:// or:: > pip install -U --no-deps --install-option="--prefix=~/local" --install-option="--no-openmp" git+git:// for a local installation. This might be useful if one is using the ``clang`` compiler, which is the new default on macs with OS X (>= 10.8), but does not support OpenMP. ``clang`` might lead to errors in the installation of galpy such as:: ld: library not found for -lgomp clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) If you get these errors, you can use the commands given above to install without OpenMP, or specify to use ``gcc`` by specifying the ``CC`` and ``LDSHARED`` environment variables to use ``gcc``. Note that ``clang`` does not seem to have this issue anymore in more recent versions, but it still does not support ``OpenMP``. .. _configfile: **NEW in v1.2**: Configuration file ------------------------------------ Since v1.2, ``galpy`` uses a configuration file to set a small number of configuration variables. This configuration file is parsed using `ConfigParser `__/`configparser `__. It is currently used to set a default set of distance and velocity scales (``ro`` and ``vo`` throughout galpy) for conversion between physical and internal galpy units, to specify whether output from functions or methods should be given as an `astropy Quantity `__ with units as much as possible or not, and whether or not to use astropy's `coordinate transformations `__ (these are typically somewhat slower than galpy's own coordinate transformations, but they are more accurate and more general). The current configuration file therefore looks like this:: [normalization] ro = 8. vo = 220. [astropy] astropy-units = False astropy-coords = True where ``ro`` is the distance scale specified in kpc, ``vo`` the velocity scale in km/s, and the setting is to *not* return output as a Quantity. These are the current default settings. A user-wide configuration file should be located at ``$HOME/.galpyrc``. This user-wide file can be overridden by a ``$PWD/.galpyrc`` file in the current directory. If no configuration file is found, the code will automatically write the default configuration to ``$HOME/.galpyrc``. Thus, after installing galpy, you can simply use some of its simplest functionality (e.g., integrate an orbit), and after this the default configuration file will be present at ``$HOME/.galpyrc``. If you want to change any of the settings (for example, you want Quantity output), you can edit this file. The default configuration file can also be found :download:`here `.