**NEW in v1.2**: What's new? ============================= This page gives some of the key improvements in each galpy version. See the ``HISTORY.txt`` file in the galpy source for full details on what is new and different in each version. v1.2 +++++ * Full support for providing inputs to all initializations, methods, and functions as `astropy Quantity `__ with `units `__ and for providing outputs as astropy Quantities. * ``galpy.potential.TwoPowerTriaxialPotential``, a set of triaxial potentials with iso-density contours that are arbitrary, similar, coaxial ellipsoids whose 'radial' density is a (different) power-law at small and large radii: 1/m^alpha/(1+m)^beta-alpha (the triaxial generalization of TwoPowerSphericalPotential, with flattening in the density rather than in the potential; includes triaxial Hernquist and NFW potentials. * ``galpy.potential.SCFPotential``, a class that implements general density/potential pairs through the basis expansion approach to solving the Poisson equation of Hernquist & Ostriker (1992). Also implemented functions to compute the coefficients for a given density function. See more explanation :ref:`here `. * ``galpy.actionAngle.actionAngleTorus``: an experimental interface to Binney & McMillan's TorusMapper code for computing positions and velocities for given actions and angles. See the installation instructions for how to properly install this. See :ref:`this section ` and the ``galpy.actionAngle`` API page for documentation. * ``galpy.actionAngle.actionAngleIsochroneApprox`` (Bovy 2014) now implemented for the general case of a time-independent potential. * ``galpy.df.streamgapdf``, a module for modeling the effect of a dark-matter subhalo on a tidal stream. See `Sanders et al. (2016) `__. Also includes the fast methods for computing the density along the stream and the stream track for a perturbed stream from `Bovy et al. (2016) `__. * ``Orbit.flip`` can now flip the velocities of an orbit in-place by specifying ``inplace=True``. This allows correct velocities to be easily obtained for backwards-integrated orbits. * ``galpy.potential.PseudoIsothermalPotential``, a standard pseudo-isothermal-sphere potential. ``galpy.potential.KuzminDiskPotential``, a razor-thin disk potential. * Internal transformations between equatorial and Galactic coordinates are now performed by default using astropy's `coordinates `__ module. Transformation of (ra,dec) to Galactic coordinates for general epochs. v1.1 +++++ * Full support for Python 3. * ``galpy.potential.SnapshotRZPotential``, a potential class that can be used to get a frozen snapshot of the potential of an N-body simulation. * Various other potentials: ``PlummerPotential``, a standard Plummer potential; ``MN3ExponentialDiskPotential``, an approximation to an exponential disk using three Miyamoto-Nagai potentials (`Smith et al. 2015 `__); ``KuzminKutuzovStaeckelPotential``, a Staeckel potential that can be used to approximate the potential of a disk galaxy (`Batsleer & Dejonghe 1994 `__). * Support for converting potential parameters to `NEMO `__ format and units. * Orbit fitting in custom sky coordinates.