
galpy.potential.plotPotentials(Pot, rmin=0.0, rmax=1.5, nrs=21, zmin=-0.5, zmax=0.5, nzs=21, phi=None, xy=False, t=0.0, effective=False, Lz=None, ncontours=21, savefilename=None, aspect=None, justcontours=False, levels=None, cntrcolors=None)




plot a set of potentials


Pot - Potential or list of Potential instances

rmin= minimum R (can be Quantity) [xmin if xy]

rmax= maximum R (can be Quantity) [ymax if xy]

nrs= grid in R

zmin= minimum z (can be Quantity) [ymin if xy]

zmax= maximum z (can be Quantity) [ymax if xy]

nzs= grid in z

phi= (None) azimuth to use for non-axisymmetric potentials

t= (0.) time to use to evaluate potential

xy= (False) if True, plot the potential in X-Y

effective= (False) if True, plot the effective potential Phi + Lz^2/2/R^2

Lz= (None) angular momentum to use for the effective potential when effective=True

justcontours= (False) if True, just plot contours

levels= (None) contours to plot

ncontours - number of contours when levels is None

cntrcolors= (None) colors of the contours (single color or array with length ncontours)

savefilename= save to or restore from this savefile (pickle)


plot to output device


2010-07-09 - Written - Bovy (NYU)