Spiral arms potential

class galpy.potential.SpiralArmsPotential(amp=1, ro=None, vo=None, amp_units='density', N=2, alpha=0.2, r_ref=1, phi_ref=0, Rs=0.3, H=0.125, omega=0, Cs=[1])

Class that implements the spiral arms potential from (Cox and Gomez 2002). Should be used to modulate an existing potential (density is positive in the arms, negative outside).

\[\Phi(R, \phi, z) = -4 \pi GH \,\rho_0 exp \left( -\frac{R-r_{ref}}{R_s} \right) \sum{\frac{C_n}{K_n D_n} \,\cos(n \gamma) \,\mathrm{sech}^{B_n} \left( \frac{K_n z}{B_n} \right)}\]


\[\begin{split}K_n &= \frac{n N}{R \sin(\alpha)} \\ B_n &= K_n H (1 + 0.4 K_n H) \\ D_n &= \frac{1 + K_n H + 0.3 (K_n H)^2}{1 + 0.3 K_n H} \\\end{split}\]


\[\gamma = N \left[\phi - \phi_{ref} - \frac{\ln(R/r_{ref})}{\tan(\alpha)} \right]\]

The default of \(C_n=[1]\) gives a sinusoidal profile for the potential. An alternative from Cox and Gomez (2002) creates a density that behaves approximately as a cosine squared in the arms but is separated by a flat interarm region by setting

\[C_n = \left[\frac{8}{3 \pi}\,,\frac{1}{2} \,, \frac{8}{15 \pi}\right]\]
__init__(amp=1, ro=None, vo=None, amp_units='density', N=2, alpha=0.2, r_ref=1, phi_ref=0, Rs=0.3, H=0.125, omega=0, Cs=[1])
initialize a spiral arms potential
amp:amplitude to be applied to the potential (default: 1); can be a Quantity with units of density. (\(amp = 4 \pi G \rho_0\))
ro:distance scales for translation into internal units (default from configuration file)
vo:velocity scales for translation into internal units (default from configuration file)
N:number of spiral arms
alpha:pitch angle of the logarithmic spiral arms in radians (can be Quantity)
r_ref:fiducial radius where \(\rho = \rho_0\) (\(r_0\) in the paper by Cox and Gomez) (can be Quantity)
phi_ref:reference angle (\(\phi_p(r_0)\) in the paper by Cox and Gomez) (can be Quantity)
Rs:radial scale length of the drop-off in density amplitude of the arms (can be Quantity)
H:scale height of the stellar arm perturbation (can be Quantity)
Cs:list of constants multiplying the \(\cos(n \gamma)\) terms
omega:rotational pattern speed of the spiral arms (can be Quantity)

Started - 2017-05-12 Jack Hong (UBC)

Completed - 2017-07-04 Jack Hong (UBC)